Thursday, December 15, 2011

2011 Racing

STORY LINK (Iplayoutside)

*Chasing the stud (Matt Schiffbauer) up the first hill of the race.

Trail Race Map/Recap: Off-Road Trail 5K

Columbus Half Marathon

Beckley Half Marathon

WV 10K Champs--Clarksburg, WV

Varmint Half Marathon
Article Link: PYLES OF FUN Good and long race article!
Article Link (2): SWVA

Cleveland Marathon
Interview by Running Network (starts about 5minutes in and runs to a little past 10minutes)

1 (general with Marian quote at bottom)
2 (general with Marian quote in middle)
News (news station marian)
News 2 (news station top 5 results)
Examiner (brief story with both of us mentioned)

Mullens 5k

Joker_DJT3637 Joker_DJT3640
Joker 4-Miler

2011 MB Half 

*Picture Link to roughly 30 race pictures of Marian and myself

Jingle Bell Pictures